



辦公地點:狗万外围充值 江灣校區生科樓









2022.5-至今 万博英超狼队网官方网 人類學係 青年研究員

2020.4-2022.4 德國馬克斯普朗克進化人類研究所 考古遺傳係 博士後

2016.10-2020.4 德國馬克斯普朗克人類曆史研究所 考古遺傳係 博士

2015.9-2016.9 英國倫敦大學學院 遺傳係 碩士



1. Wang, K., Goldstein, S., Bleasdale, M., Clist, B., Bostoen, K., Bakwa-Lufu, P., Buck, L.T., Crowther, A., Dème, A., McIntosh, R. J., Mercader, J., Ogola, C., Power, R. C.,Sawchuk, E., Robertshaw, P., Wilmsen, E. N., Petraglia, M., Ndiema, E., Manthi, F. K.,Krause, J., Roberts, P., Boivin, N., Schiffels, S. (2020). Ancient genomes reveal complex patterns of population movement, interaction and replacement in sub-Saharan Africa.Science Advances, 2020;6: eaaz0183.

2. Jeong, C.*, Wang, K.*, Wilkin, S., Taylor, W. T. T., Miller, B. K., Ulziibayar, S., Stahl, R.,Chiovelli, C., Bemmann, J. H., Knolle, F., Kradin, N., Bazarov, B. A., Miyagashev, D. A.,Konovalov, P. B., Zhambaltarova, E., Miller, A. V., Haak, W., Schiffels, S., Krause, J.,Boivin, N., Myagmar, E., Hendy, J., Warinner, C. (2020) A dynamic 6,000-year genetichistory of Eurasia’s Eastern Steppe. Cell, 2020;183: 890–904.e29. *equal contribution (共一)

3. Wang, K., Mathieson, I., O’Connell, J., Schiffels, S. (2020) Tracking human populationstructure through time from whole genome sequences. PLoS Genet 16(3): e1008552.

4.Ning, C., Li, T., Wang, K. et al. Ancient genomes from northern China suggest linksbetween subsistence changes and human migration. Nat Commun 11, 2700 (2020).



Junior Prof. Dr. Ke Wang



Research area:

Ancient DNA/population genetics/human evolution/computational biology/genomics


Research background:

2022.5-now Junior Prof.  (tenure-track) Department of human anthropology, School of Life Science, Fudan Univeristy, Shanghai, China

2020.4-2022.4 Department of Archaeogenetics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig/Jena, Germany. Postdoc

2016.10-2020.4 Department of Archaeogenetics, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany. Ph.D in Genetics

2015.9-2016.9 Department of Genetics Evolution and Environment, University of Collegue London, London, UK. Master in Genetics of human disease

Research focus:

My research focus is on i) reconstructing the past population dynamics in East Asia, Eurasian Steppe and Africa by ancient DNA (Wang et al Sci Adv 2020; Jeong and Wang et al Cell 2020). We aim to resolve the question of origin of human populations, migrations and admixture patterns by retrieving whole genome information from ancient human remains. I am also interested on developing novel computational approaches for ancient and modern genomic analyses, especially for the demographic inferences (Wang et al PloS Genet 2020), which has wide applications for multiple species.
