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李霖鋒,男,198211月生,博士,教授。20107月畢業於中山大學,獲得植物學博士學位。2010.07-2011.12,東北師範大學,講師;2012.01-2014.07, 東北師範大學 ,副教授(破格晉升);2014.07-2017.07,聖路易斯華盛頓大學,研究科學家(Research Scientist );2017.09-現在,狗万外围充值 ,教授,博士生導師。


從事雜草稻(Oryza sativa f. spontanea)的適應性進化與人參屬(Panax)的多倍化研究。近年來主要通過高通量測序等技術從全基因組的水平探討物種在多倍化與適應性進化過程中適應性性狀形成的分子機理。目前已主持國家自然科學基金3項,已發表SCI論文28篇,包括Nature Genetics, New Phytologist, Molecular Plant, Genome Biology and Evolution等雜誌。受邀為Genome Research, Molecular Biology and EvolutionMolecular Plant等雜誌審稿。


1. Li, L.F., Li Y.L., Jia Y.L., Caicedo A.L.*, Olsen K.M.* (2017). Signatures of adaptation in the weedy rice genome. Nature Genetics 49: 811-814.

2. Li, M.R., Shi, F.X., Li, Y.L., Jiang, P., Jiao, L.L., Liu, B.*, and Li, L.F.*. (2017). Genome-wide variation patterns uncover the origin and selection in cultivated ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer). Genome Biology and Evolution 9:2159-2169.

3. Li, L.F.*, and Olsen, K.M*. (2016) To have and to hold: selection for seed and fruit retention during crop domestication. Current Topics in Developmental Biology 119: 63-109.

4. Wang, X., Zhang, H., Li, Y., Zhang, Z., Li, L.F.*, and Liu, B*. (2016). Transcriptome asymmetry in synthetic and natural allotetraploid wheats, revealed by RNA‐sequencing. New Phytologist 209: 1264-1277.

5. Li, M.R., Shi, F.X., Zhou, Y.X., Li, Y.L., Wang, X.F., Zhang, C., Wang, X.T., Liu, B., Xiao, H.X.*, and Li, L.F.* (2015). Genetic and epigenetic diversities shed light on domestication of cultivated ginseng (Panax ginseng CA Meyer). Molecular Plant. 8: 1612-1622.

6. Li, L.F.*, Liu, B., Olsen, K.M., and Wendel, J.F. (2015). A re-evaluation of the homoploid hybrid origin of Aegilopstauschii, the donor of the wheat D‐subgenome. New Phytologist 208:4-8.

7. Li, L.F.*,#, Wang, H.Y.#, Pang, D., Liu, Y., Liu, B., and Xiao, H.X.* (2014). Phenotypic and genetic evidence for ecological speciation of Aquilegia japonica and A. oxysepala. New Phytologist 204:1028-1040.
